






● SI/SII2016合同特別講演会

TRANSFORM: Beyond Pixels, Towards Radical Atoms

Prof. Hiroshi Ishii

a Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab. (USA)

Whereas today's mainstream Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research addresses functional concerns – the needs of users, practical applications, and usability evaluation – Tangible Bits and Radical Atoms are driven by vision.  This is because today's technologies will become obsolete in one year, and today's applications will be replaced in 10 years, but true visions – we believe – can last longer than 100 years.

Tangible Bits seeks to realize seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical environment by giving physical form to digital information, making bits directly manipulable and perceptible.  Our goal is to invent new design media for artistic expression as well as for scientific analysis, taking advantage of the richness of human senses and skills – as developed through our lifetime of interaction with the physical world – as well as the computational reflection enabled by real-time sensing and digital feedback.   

Radical Atoms takes a leap beyond Tangible Bits by assuming a hypothetical generation of materials that can change form and properties dynamically, becoming as reconfigurable as pixels on a screen. Radical Atoms is the future material that can transform its’ shape, conform to constraints, and inform the users of their affordances. Radical Atoms is a vision for the future of human-material interaction, in which all digital information has a physical manifestation so that we can interact directly with it.

I will present the trajectory of our vision-driven design research from Tangible Bits towards Radical Atoms, and a variety of interaction design projects that were presented and exhibited in Media Arts, Design, and Science communities. 

Short Bio:
Hiroshi Ishii is a Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab. He was named Associate Director at the Media Lab in May 2008. He is the director of the Tangible Media Group that he founded in 1995 to pursue new visions of Human Computer Interaction (HCI).  Ishii and his team have presented their visions at a variety of scientific, design and artistic venues (including ACM SIGCHI, SIGGRAPH, Cooper Hewitt Design Museum, Milan Design Week, Cannes Lions Festival, Aspen Ideas Festival, Industrial Design Society of America, AIGA, Ars Electronica, Centre Pompidou, Victoria and Albert Museum and NTT ICC) emphasizing that the development of vision requires the rigors of both scientific and artistic review. In 2006 Ishii was elected to the CHI Academy by ACM SIGCHI. Prior to joining the MIT Media Lab from 1988-1994, Ishii led a CSCW research group at NTT Human Interface Laboratories Japan, where he and his team invented the TeamWorkStation and the ClearBoard.

● SI2016 特別講演


藤本弘道 (アクティブリンク株式会社 代表取締役)

概要:社会生活が便利になり医学が進歩すると少産少死型の社会,いわゆる高齢社会が訪れる.先進国だけでなく,発展途上国を抜け出した国々でも人口の高齢化は着実に進んでいる.少産少死型の高齢化する社会では,加齢による身体能力の低下が引き起こす,老老介護の問題や,労働力の高齢化と労働力不足などの問題が起こる. アクティブリンクでは2003年の創業以来,低下した筋力をアクチュエータのパワーで補完し人の作業を支援するパワーアシスト機器で、年齢や性別に関係なく元気に働くことのできる社会「パワーバリアレス社会」の実現を目指してきた.特に,新しいコンセプトの装置であるパワーアシストスーツの事業化がその中核になる.当社では,パワーアシスト機器で使用するアクチュエータは特に選ばず,モータ,空気圧式人工筋,エアアクチュエータ,油圧アクチュエータなど,様々なアクチュエータを用いたシステムに挑戦してきた. 本講演では、当社が進めるパワーバリアレス社会の実現に向けたさまざまな取り組みの紹介し、新たな社会の実現に向けた議論が進むことを期待している。


中島健祐 (デンマーク大使館 投資部門長)
