What's New
- 25th Dec. 2014
International program committee and award committee has been added to the committee page. Thank you again for the cooperation.
- 12th Dec. 2014
Detailed instruction of station from reception desk has been updated.
- 12th Dec. 2014
Introduction of Special Lounge has been added.
- 4th Dec. 2014
Instructions for presenters has been updated.
- 1th Dec. 2014
Information of attending joint company exhibition and SI2014 has been added.
- 1th Dec. 2014
- 7th Nov. 2014
Banquet site and Program site has been opened.
- 1th Nov. 2014
The early registration due has been extended to midnight of Nov. 7 (Japan Standard Time [JST]). See the conference registration page for the detail.
- 25th Oct. 2014
The early registration due has been extended to midnight of Nov. 1 (Japan Standard Time [JST]). The final paper submission due is also on Nov. 1.
- 21th Oct. 2014
Started sending acceptance notifications to authors. Please be patient for a while since the notification is sent in sequence. The notification will be sent to every authors regardless of acceptance or rejection.
- 21th Oct. 2014
Registration site has been opened. Please be careful with the date of early registration due !!
- 16th Oct. 2014
Acceptance notifications will be sent to authors in a few days. Sorry for the delay.
- 15th Oct. 2014
Final paper submission, registration, plenary speakers and venue page was updated. Final paper submission and registration will be available soon.
- 5th Sep. 2014
Update is possible until September 12 for the papers submitted before the submission deadline. There are no limitation in update count.
- 29th Aug. 2014
The paper submission deadline has been extended to September 5.
- 14th Aug. 2014
- 10th Aug. 2014
Updated informations of organized session proposal and paper submission.
- 31th Jul. 2014
Updated plenary speakers and registration fee informations.
- 24th Jul. 2014
Updated comitee information and manuscript format templates.
- 22th Jul. 2014
Now accepting organized session proposals (due on August 8).
- 21th Jan. 2014
Site Open
Overview of SI International 2014
- The 20th century was the age of evolution of science and technology concerning artifacts. Fundamentals of mass production had been established by specialized technologies and surely had contributed our social life. In the 21st century, our societies expect methodologies for solving problems of complex systems consisting of society, human and technologies, which cannot be completed by single sectionalized technology. Under these circumstances, the system integration (SI) to look down the whole technologies is becoming a critical issue of engineering. 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SI International 2014, SII2014) will be held as the seventh symposium on system integration. System integration is one of the key technologies and the integration of hardware and software is especially important to solve the industrial or social system problems in new century. This symposium focuses to the new research and industrial application of system integration, and discusses the approach method to improve effectiveness of system integration.
All presented papers at the conference will be included in IEEE Xplore.
Call for paper(pdf)
Information of attending Joint Company Exhibition and SI2014
Transportation and Venue Map
SII2014/SI2014 Joint Company Exhibition and the SI2014 are held at Tokyo Big Sight.
About Joint Company Exhibition
You can join the company exhibition without registration of SI2014.
Please do not forget to bring the name card of SII2014 with you for authentication.
The exhibition is held in 6th Floor Room 605 and 606 of the Conference Tower. The detailed floor map is here.
Sensor, actuator, robot manufacturers and other industry associates from Japan, a country internationally recognized as the leader in robot technology, all congregate under the one roof.
Following are the companies attending the joint company exhibition.
- Oisaka Electronic Equipment Ltd.
- Dehenken Ltd.
- Miekigata Co., Ltd.
- Leptrino Co., Ltd.
- Hokuyo Automatic Co., Ltd.
- Innovatec Associates Ltd.
- 3D Incorporated
- Tec Gihan Co., Ltd.
- Inter-Riha Co., Ltd.
- BL Autotec Ltd.
- RT Corporation
- ATR Promotions Inc.
- Danaher Motion Japan Co., Ltd.
- Sanritz Co., Ltd.
- Amauchi Industry Co., Ltd.
- Kato Tech Co., Ltd.
- View Plus Inc.
- Citizen Chiba Precision Co., Ltd.
- Kondo Kagaku Co., Ltd.
- THK Co., Ltd.
- Ambient Intelligence Technologies Lab. Co., Ltd.
- MTT Corporation
- Miyuki Giken Co., Ltd.
- Nihon Binary Co., Ltd.
- Nac Image Technology Inc.
- Gnss Technologies Inc.
- Marubeni Infomation Systems Ltd.
- ZMP Inc.
- Ono-denki Com.
About SI2014
SI2014, a domestic SICE Conference on System Integration, will be held on December 14-17 at Tokyo Big Sight.
Since it is a domestic conference, the presentation is basically in Japanese.
All the registrants of SII2014 are eligible to attend SI2014, with no extra fee.
The registration of SI2014 is required to join.
The instruction of registration of SI2014 can be found here.
Instructions for presenters of SII2014
Please note that the times allocated for each oral presentation is 20 minutes in total; 15 minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
PowerPoint or Acrobat PDF slides are recommended for presentation on a LCD video projector. Each room have a LCD projector and a VGA D-sub connection cable.
The authors are expected to prepare and use their own computers for presentation. Please connect the computers to the projector and check the contents during break time before the session.
Introduction of special lounge
Special lounge space is prepared under the concept of "Japanese banquet". We blended a lounge with Japanese style, thinking that regardless of their age or nationalities, people would be able to feel the peace and tranquilness of a Japanese-style room, which Japanese people are prone to be loosing in their mind.
We hope that you can relax and enjoy the taste of Japanese-style.
The details are here.
Support Organizations
Sponsored by
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- SICE System Integration Division
Hosted by
- Chuo University
Contacts : SII 2014 Secretariat
E-mail: sii2014[at]si-sice.org
(Please replace [at] with @ in the above e-mail address.)