Sponsored by
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- SICE System Integration Division
- Kyoto University
- International Rescue System Institute
- Kyoto University Foundation
- Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research
(No.3 building in this map)
Map (PDF)
A taxi will take about 20 minutes and cost approx. 1,800 yen from Kyoto station.
Since there is no parking facility for the campus, please refrain from visiting by cars.
What's New
- 18th Dec. 2011
The Information of Farewell (Thu. 22th, 19:00-) has been posted in Banquet page.
- 15th Dec. 2011
Technical Program (final ver.) has been posted in Program page.
- 5th Dec. 2011
Technical Program (tentative ver.) has been posted in Program page.
- 25th Nov. 2011
Information of laboratory tour has been posted in Laboratory Tour page.
- 17th Nov. 2011
Final paper submission dead line:
November 22, 2011 (Japan Standard Time: GMT+9)
The submission deadline is firm and there will be no extensions. The WEB site for the final paper submission will be closed at 24:00 on Nov. 22, 2011 (JST). - 11th Nov. 2011
Instructions for final camera-ready manuscript submission have been posted.INFORMATION FOR VISA APPLICATION is added the end of the registration page.
- 3rd Nov. 2011
Registration site is now open. Check out the registration page for details.
- 3rd Oct. 2011
- 21st Sept. 2011
Submission deadline has been extended to October 11.
- 10th Aug. 2011
- 17th Jan. 2011
Site Open
Overview of SI International 2011
- The 20th century was the age of evolution of science and technology concerning artifacts. Fundamentals of mass production had been established by specialized technologies and surely had contributed our social life. In the 21st century, our societies expect methodologies for solving problems of complex systems consisting of society, human and technologies, which cannot be completed by single sectionalized technology. Under these circumstances, the system integration (SI) to look down the whole technologies is becoming a critical issue of engineering. 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SI International 2011, SII2011) will be held as the fourth symposium on system integration. System integration is one of the key technologies and the integration of hardware and software is especially important to solve the industrial or social system problems in new century. This symposium focuses to the new research and industrial application of system integration, and discusses the approach method to improve effectiveness of system integration.
All presented papers at the conference will be included in IEEE Xplore.
Call for paper (pdf)
Related Event
SI2011, a domestic SICE Conference on System Integration, will be held on December 23-25 in Kyoto, Japan.
http://www.si-sice.org/si2011Contacts : SII 2011 Secretariat
E-mail: sii2011[at]mechatronics.me.kyoto-u.ac.jp
(Please replace [at] with @ in the above e-mail address.)